Looping EX Shuttle

Looping EX Shuttle

Always race this one
By Fossil

With a vertical loop taken at speed, and the twisting vertical section, Looping EX Shuttle packs a wallop in a small, tight ride. Since there are no turns, its footprint is miniscule.

A very short ride, such as Looping EX Shuttle, will not have a very high excitement rating just from the track design. You can help it out a great deal by building a mirror track and racing the pair of them. Another technique, snipping some track and raising land so you have an underground section, will also work. However, I've found that if you snip track behind the coaster - in the "reverse launch" section, the coaster will then malfunction after reconnecting, apparently unable to recognize that it should reverse launch. So, I suggest snipping and raising land either in the station, or the first few track in front of the station.

Excitement: 5.10
Intensity: 9.04
Nausea: 4.63
Footprint: 29 x 3
Theming: none
Approximate cost: $3,332

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