
Rules for Portrait Studio
For the Requestor
- Graphic requests should be for avatars, signatures or graphics related to or for use at RCT*Mart. Please do not use this topic to request graphics for your own site, or for other projects not related to RCT*Mart.
- Please be curtious when requesting any kind of graphics.
- Please be precise in your requests. (i.e. colors wanted and wording, image sizes, etc.). Do not simply say "I'd like a signature" and expect people to know what you want.
- Please provide pictures of what you want in your graphic either by link or using the file attachment function.
For Graphic Creators
- All signatures should be no larger then 468x60.
- All Avatars should be no larger then 100x100
- No animated signatures or avatars unless approved by a staff member.
- RCT*Mart logos/promo buttons can be made to requestors specification
- It is up to you if you wish to host the file for them. If you do not want to host please tell them when suppling the graphic.
Portrait Studio
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