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The Greeter
Thank you for shopping our RCTmart! How may we help you today?
Our full-service staff is here to welcome you and to help you find your way around. We're noticing some familiar faces stopping by, so stop in and introduce yourself, or re-introduce yourself, and get to know other members.
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Dec 9 2009, 06:29 PM In: How did you hear about RCT*Mar... By: wolfman |
Site Suggestion Box
Got an idea? We'd like to hear it. Notice something missing? Let us know. We can't make any promises, but we will take what you have to say to heart and do what we can to improve the site. This is for SITE suggestions.
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May 22 2009, 11:49 PM In: harry potter university By: rctking08 |
Partner Promos
RCTmart is partnering with other RCT sites on the web to bring you news and events from around the RCT community. If you'd like to advertise your site here, please follow the guidelines listed within the forum itself. Subforums: Partner Site: RCTspace/RCT2.com, Partner Site: RCT Resource, Partner Site: UCES, Partner Site: RCT3D Database
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Dec 20 2009, 07:11 PM In: Pirates of RCT By: wolfman |
Portrait Studio
RCTmart members are welcome to post special graphic requests (for avatars, signatures, etc.) and our knowledgeable, creative staff will get to your requests as soon as possible.
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Sep 2 2007, 10:54 PM In: Request for sig By: Guardian20 |
Check Out and Newsstand
The Flyer highlights announcements and teasers for current events and promotions here at RCTmart. Staff are welcome to post headlines and news for their respective departments. Subforums: News, Memos to Members, RCT*Mart Kiosk, RCT*Mart Tabloids
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Mar 11 2013, 12:33 PM In: RCT*Mart to close its doors By: jv7 |
Validation Desk
This section is for members who have just registered but who have not yet validated their accounts. You will not be able to view the rest of the RCT*Mart Forums until you have completed your registration. If you are having trouble validating your account, please read the topic(s) available first and try our suggestions. If those fail then you may post a topic describing your problem in detail. A staff memeber will help you as soon as possible.
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Oct 21 2008, 02:55 AM In: validation By: Spunknit |
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The Card Shop
When you care enough to type the very best... stop in the card shop and offer up birthday congratulations, get well wishes, or warm fuzzies for any special occasion!
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Nov 24 2009, 10:17 AM In: Happy Birthday Methusalem! By: ckstei01 |
The Food Court
Today's Special: Jumbo Nachos and fountain drink for $2.50. We've also got hot dogs, burgers, pizza and pretzels. Place your order, then grab a table and chit chat with other members.
This is the non-RCT general discussion area.
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Jan 21 2010, 08:26 PM In: Hello! By: Devious |
Games and Trivia
We've got classic arcade games from Frogger to Ms. Pac-Man, along with skee-ball and Whack-the-Dancing-Banana. Save your tickets to redeem for cheap prizes.
For the more intellectual among you, join in any variety of word games, trivia, and more! (Note: Posting here will not add to you post count)
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Aug 17 2009, 02:30 PM In: One word Story By: skyvanman |
Theme Park News and Information
Had a great time on your last trip to a theme park? Fill us in on all the details here. Use these forums to keep updated on what's happening in real theme parks around the world, with either news you've heard (accidents, new rides, etc.) or with your own trip planners and recommendations.
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May 24 2009, 02:39 AM In: Where do you think would be a ... By: rctking08 |
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RCT*Mart Contests
So you had a high score in Frogger, huh? Think you're bad? Well, that was 1981.
This is where we'll put your RCT skills to the test, pitting member against member in some of the best RCT contests on the net. All our contests are led by contest masters Mousing and Gladiator_2, so lace up your gloves and come on in! Subforums: Contest Rules and Guidelines, CURRENT RCT*Mart Contests, High Score Board, Contest Archives
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Feb 6 2009, 10:34 PM In: Summit Falls - Structure Conte... By: wolfman |
RCT*Mart Clubs & Group Projects
Hey, ho, the gang's all here! Check out the latest in RCT*Mart's multi-member and member-only collaborative projects. Subforums: RCT*Mart Group Projects
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Aug 31 2006, 04:31 AM In: Different User-Made Expansion ... By: Rohn Starr |
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Harry Potter Custom Scenery
Enter the magical world of Harry Potter - RCT style! Recreate the best-selling/blockbuster phenomenon right in your own RCT theme parks. This release comes complete with Hogwarts and Daigon Alley sets as well as custom rides including the Knight Bus, Hogwarts Express, the Enchanted Boats, and more!
Password: expecto patronum
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Jul 30 2007, 07:51 PM In: Dumbledore's Tower By: sisyphus |
Disneyland 50th Anniversary Celebration
In celebration of The Happiest Place on Earth's Golden 50th Anniversary, we're pulling out all the bells and whistles with a party the likes of which only RCT2.com and RCT*Mart can bring you! Experience the Magic the RCT way! Subforums: Disneyland Project at RCT2.com, Main Street, Fantasyland, Frontierland, Adventureland, Tomorrowland (Convention)
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Jul 14 2008, 11:03 AM In: Twilight Zone Tower of Terror By: ClockworkMyr |
RCT2 - The Lord of the Rings Project
RCT*Mart is proud to be hosting the The Lord of the Rings - The Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Project, created by ilgmk and MidwestBoyInLA. Here is where you'll find all of the weekly downloads including custom scenery, custom rides, shops and more!
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Sep 5 2009, 01:22 PM In: LOTR Objects for Zoo Tycoon By: yellowrose |
Jurassic Park: The Lost RCT Expeditions
Grab your gear and your passports and join Dr. Grant and his team of paleontologists on their search for new dinosaur fossils, thanks to a research grant from the John Hammond Foundation.
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Oct 29 2008, 08:44 AM In: The Helipad By: Powerage |
The Room of Oz
Enter the Wizard's private offices and study for some RCT2 magic you don't need to leave home for.
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Apr 2 2008, 11:43 PM In: Inside the Wizard's Room By: train freak |
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Newest Releases
The New Release aisle features the most current releases available for download. Presently there is no set release schedule and new titles will be made available as they are completed, so check back often! Subforums: Coming Attractions!
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Aug 23 2009, 04:37 AM In: Space Station Designer Needed By: Spunknit |
Citytrader's Parks
Step back in time for a history of amusement parks over the last 100 years. Citytrader, resident historical consultant, guides us on a tour of famous (and not so famous) parks. Who knows, you might just learn something! Subforums: Current Projects, Coming Soon, Archived Projects
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May 16 2009, 04:23 PM In: North Pole, NY in RCT3 By: EQUIPTO |
Fisherman's Wharf
Find a place to tie your dinghy and come ashore for some of RCT2's most ingenious custom scenery, created by FISHERMAN himself. From Victorian walls and roof awnings to neon lights and dark ride scenery, he's got it all! Subforums: Fisherman's New Releases, Fisherman's Works in Progress, Fisherman's Archive
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Jun 9 2010, 04:20 AM In: Darkride and Funhouse Pack By: Spunknit |
Fossil's Dig Site
Grab your buckets and shovels and head on in to FOSSIL'S DIG SITE, a GREAT online resource for RCT tracks, scenarios, and articles on game-play and scenario building! Subforums: Enter Fossil's Dig Site
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Jun 12 2009, 05:21 PM In: Emerald City II Released By: EQUIPTO |
ILGMK's Classic Movie Collection
Great movie-themed custom scenery and rides from Italy's finest.
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Nov 15 2008, 08:39 AM In: Tropico 2/Pirate Scenery and S... By: wolfman |
Methusalem`s Storage
This is where you can get everything you see. Stacked wall-to-wall, and floor-to-ceiling, there's something for everyone! Subforums: Laboratory, Made in Germany, Antiques
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Feb 15 2009, 09:19 AM In: Pirate Barrels Mania By: Luketh |
Mokie's Market
Welcome to Mokie's Market
...where everything isn't for everyone, but you're welcome to browse... Subforums: Peddler's Cart, Grand Bazaar, Magic Shop
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Dec 18 2007, 04:05 PM In: Tropico Mucho Macho Casino By: NuparuRacer |
RNRMontuX's Domain
Among the horde of gold and precious stones, you may just discover a wealth of parks, tracks, and objects here in RNRMONTUX'S DOMAIN. Burglers beware! Subforums: RNRMontuX's Parks, RNRMontuX's Tracks, RNRMontuX's Objects
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Nov 15 2008, 09:51 PM In: SeaSide Boardwalk By: RNRMontuX |
The Outhouse
Subforums: Finished Outhouse Designs, Outhouse Tracks, Outhouse Landscaping, Outhouses Under Construction, Outhouse Discussions
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Jan 21 2007, 12:25 PM In: FireBlast By: Roller Eric |
TheVelvetFoxx's Pad
Come on in, pour yourself a martini, grab a beanbag chair, and join us as we groove with THEVELVETFOXX. Can YOU dig it, man? Subforums: TheVelvetFoxx's Archives
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May 31 2007, 11:05 AM In: Surburbia Wishlist Add-ons By: MidwestBoyInLA |
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MidwestBoyInLA's Castle
In this aisle you'll discover all the scenery currently available from MIDWESTBOYINLA. We've got some great releases for you, from the Harry Potter sets and Summer Splash Pool Party to the UCES Stone Slab Scenery and a whole lot more! Subforums: RCT*Mart Exclusives, UCES Releases, MidwestBoyInLA's Archive, Mr. MidwestBoyInLA's Homeroom
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Jun 9 2008, 07:35 PM In: 'ZEUS' Themed Tab By: moonshadow |
rct2nut's Treehouse
Whether you're in the mood for Action Adventure or Romantic Comedy, RCT2NUT's downloads feature something for everyone, no matter what mood you're in. With tracks and park that range from medieval themes to secret lover getaways, everyone's sure to have fun with these releases! Subforums: RCT2 Tracks, RCT2 Parks, RCT3 Tracks
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Jul 27 2006, 01:51 PM In: Medieval Times Adventure Park By: ride_exchanger |
Spunknit's Coaster Corner
Looking for a coaster track? Well you have come to the right place... for the one, the only SPUNKNIT, track designer extraordinaire! Come on in and take a look. Subforums: Spunknit's New Releases, Spunknit's Archives
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Oct 1 2006, 12:09 PM In: Is Bigger Really Better? By: Tiger24 |
Tonks' Park Landscaping Emporium
Our very own TONKS has provided a virtual Park Improvement Department of her own, from flooring (Paths) and Gardening, to Building Materials (Walls) and Decor. Grab a cart or two and come on in! Subforums: Tonks' Archives
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Feb 20 2008, 01:19 PM In: Flooring Department By: Lamaclown |
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RCT1 Aisle
Share your Original RCT (RCT1) Tracks and Saved Games with other RCT*Mart shoppers by adding your inventory to these shelves. Subforums: RCT1 Tracks/Coasters, RCT1 Parks Under Construction, RCT1 Completed Parks, RCT1 Abandoned Parks
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Apr 21 2007, 11:25 PM In: not a park By: Matt |
RCT2 Aisle
Down this aisle you'll find everything for RCT2: Scenarios, Saved Games, Tracks, Shops, Custom Scenery and more! Subforums: RCT2 Landscapes, RCT2 Parks Under Construction (Scenarios and Saved Games), RCT2 Completed Parks, RCT2 Abandoned Parks, RCT2 Tracks/Coasters, RCT2 Shops/Stalls, RCT2 Custom Objects, RCT2 Custom Rides
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Apr 15 2011, 11:48 PM In: COA's Useful Stuff 2010 By: COA |
RCT2 WW Aisle
This aisle is reserved for Parks and Tracks featuring RCT2-Wacky Worlds Expansion items. Subforums: RCT2 WW Landscapes, RCT2 WW Parks Under Construction (Scenarios and Saved Games), RCT2 WW Completed Parks, RCT2 WW Abandoned Parks, RCT2 WW Tracks/Coasters, RCT WW Shops/Stalls
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Apr 21 2007, 11:27 PM In: The Disneyland Resort By: Matt |
RCT2 TT Aisle
This aisle is reserved for Parks and Tracks featuring RCT2-Time Twister Expansion items. Please also use this area for any parks featuring BOTH WW & TT items. Subforums: RCT2 TT Landscapes, RCT2 TT Parks Under Construction (Scenarios and Saved Games), RCT2 TT Completed Parks, RCT2 TT Abandoned Parks, RCT2 TT Tracks/Coasters, RCT2 TT Shops/Stalls
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Oct 6 2008, 06:27 PM In: Lakewood Park By: Luketh |
RCT3 Aisle
Did you get RCT3D and want to share your saved games, scenarios and track designs? Well this is the aisle for you! Subforums: RCT3 Tracks, RCT3 Parks Under Construction (Scenerios and Saved Games), RCT3 Fireworks Shows, RCT3 Structures, Completed Parks, RCT3 Abandoned Parks, RCT3 Custom Scenery
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Nov 29 2010, 04:43 AM In: Texas Adveture By: gav1976 |
UCES Forums
RCT*Mart is pleased to host the support forums for UCES. This is where you can find technical support as well as general discussion topics regarding the UCES Project. Subforums: UCES General Discussion, UCES Technical Support
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Feb 1 2010, 01:41 AM In: UCES Team: By: Josho |
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RCT General Discussion
Like it says, this forum is for general discussions about anything related to RCT1 (including Corkscrew Follies & Loopy Landscapes), RCT2 (including Wacky Worlds and Time Twister), and RCT3. For specific questions about individual games or elements, please post in the appropriate areas in the Stock Room.
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Aug 13 2010, 06:21 PM In: Searching for custom RCT2 park By: thirstydeer |
Q&A Desk
Stumped by peeps that can't find exits? Wondering why your handymen are sleeping on the job? Post your burning questions here for help from members and staff alike. Subforums: Solved Topics/Problems, IPB 2.0 Upgrade Discussion
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Mar 21 2010, 05:58 AM In: need some help By: Spunknit |
Lost & Found Department
Thanks to the hard work of member gp-net, RCT*Mart is proud to offer lost and missing objects (or objects whose creators are lost or missing). Please read the forum rules related to hosting lost or unknown objects before participating! Subforums: The DAT DETECTOR, RCT's Most Wanted!
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Dec 28 2012, 03:20 PM In: Help By: wayniepainie |
Trainer & Utility Toolboxes
Join the Dark Side... more seductive it is, yes. RCT purists be warned: This area is for links to trainers as well as assistance in using them.
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Jul 21 2008, 10:06 PM In: RCT2 GUI Editor By: MidwestBoyInLA |
Computer Service Desk
Having trouble with your computer? Unable to get your site to do what you want? Need help with your own IPB site? This is the place to ask your questions and get friendly assistance from RCT*Mart staff and members!
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Jun 21 2011, 05:06 PM In: Can't uninstall expansion ... By: thirstydeer |
RCT Classroom & Tutorials
School is in session! RCT*Mart is proud to present the RCT Classroom, an interactive forum where members can participate in assignments and tutorials along with asking questions of our esteemed faculty.
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Sep 2 2008, 07:16 PM In: Creating large sized custom ob... By: thirstydeer |
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