IDEA! This is one of the biggest mistakes the moa can make. Camp Snoopy was perfect, now they screwed it all up.
(Avatar Airbender) this breaks a big rule in the theme park world. To theme a big coaster after a cartoon show thats not based on the DC or Marvel comics. The fact that it has inversions and a past 90 degree drop only adds insult to injury. The euro fighter is a good idea but the nick thing screws it all up.
(The whole park) Themeing a whole park to nickelodeon is just too much. You can theme a small section to nickelodeon. But not the whole thing!!!!!
(mall of america) This will affect them big time. Now their gonna become the laughing stock of the whole coaster industry. Heck alot of people just might mock them for just the nickelodeon universe park.