There are a few things I wish to address concering topics at the Q&A Desk.

Before posting your topic...
  • Make sure the question has not been asked before. Go to the Solved Topics/Problems forum and search (bottom of topic index) the topic index for your problem. If you cannot find it, then post your new topic.
  • Think your problem over. If you can think of no possible answer, and have consulted with others (via AIM, MSN, etc.) but not come up with a solution, then post your new topic.
When posting your topic...
  • Be as clear as possible in your Topic Title. Do not just say "Please Help Me" or "AHH!!! I NEED HELP NOW!!!". People who can reconize your problem by just the topic title can provide an answer quicker.
  • If you need more space to describe your problem use the Topic Description. Do not repeat your Topic Title in the Topic Description box.
  • Tell us the following information when posting your problem:
    • Your Problem
    • What version of RCT you have (and if you have any expansion packs)
    • Your operating system (basic information - you don't need to provide the full diagnostic of your hard drive or mother board)
    • Any additional information you would like to include that would make it easier for someone else to give you a reasonable answer
After posting your topic...
  • Continue to search the Internet and other RCT sites for an answer. If you fix the problem, let us know in the topic (posting the solution will help others who may encounter the same problem). We will then close the topic and archive it.
  • Do not bump your topic. We know that your topic may get deep down in the forum, but it will not be forgotten. Please to not bump your topic, doing so will get the post that bumped the topic removed.
  • Try not to double post. Use the Edit button if you'd like to add information to your original topic (unless you are responding to someone else's reply).
If you have already posted a topic, and it has not been answered and you cannot find it in the forum, search the Solved Topics/Problem forum. It was probably answered and moved there. If there is no answer to the topic and it is in the Solved Forum, let us know and we will move it back for you.