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Full Version: Horizontal Scroll Bar
RCT*Mart Forums > Customer Service > Site Suggestion Box
I hate how this website doesnt have a horizontal scroll bar because with the emoicons being huge it doesn't have enough space for where you put your post which means it automaticly scrolls, but you can't scroll back. And its needed when you have a large image in a post...
Hmmm....Not sure what you mean because I don't have a problem. When I click on "show all" it does bring up a small separate window, but I just make it bigger.
This site doesn't control your browser scroll bars at all. If you're having problems, it may be a setting on your browser or your screen resolution. The site is built to accomodate 800x600 settings, but higher than that is recommended, especially given that the size of images people sometimes embed the pages can stretch wider than 800pixels. We recommend certain image sizes, but people frequently don't pay attention to that, thus causing some of the problems you're encountering.

Also, the PM window (you know, the one that pops up to tell you you've got new messages) is a set size for the popup window, but if you make it full-screen ("maximize" it), you shouldn't have any problems. I also don't recommend browsing the site in the window that may pop up notifying you that you have PMs. Once you read your PMs close that window and browse through the site in the main window.

Hope that helps.
I don't get the little pop up that tells me when I get a new message. I have AOL. I guess that's why. Pop-Up Blocker. Hmm. I've never had a problem as does Bubby.
Somepeople hate horizontal scroll bars. It seems most people hate them too.
I have had that problem before.
But if I use a mouse that has a scroll button you can click with the scroll button and move your mouse and it will move the screen back.
Or you can change the resolution. wink.gif

I have this same problem. I mentioned it in this topic here. Chrismill suggested there is a code on the forum that needs to be changed. I'll bring it to the attention of the powers that be! It is frustrating!
But Spunk, You have aol as do I. So why do you have a problem and I do not? Hmmm. .:ponders:.
It happened to me, too with a big picture.

I have IE
The easiest way to fix this problem is to change your monitors resolution. I actually prefer to have mine at one step higher that 800x600, as you can see more stuff on your screen. You can do this by right clicking on your desktop, going to the last tab on the side, then change your resolution there.
QUOTE (SythDude @ Sep 7 2004, 03:00 PM)
But Spunk, You have aol as do I. So why do you have a problem and I do not? Hmmm. .:ponders:.

Different versions, computers, resolutions, and operating systems have different settings and things. That is probably why. Especially if either if you uses sytle sheets you created (I forgot the formal name). banana3.gif
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