"Technically, it's not a wall, you know." The guard leaned
against the green marble, and took a drag off his cigarette.
You looked up at it, then down along its face. It sure looked like a
"They call it an Enhanced Personnel Impedance Barrier. A Reduced
Access Buffer Zone is the enhancement." He smiled sardonically. "Don't
worry, you'll get used to it."
You gazed at the wall again. "Do we still need this thing?"
you asked.
He shrugged. "Not anymore. It's been more than fifty years since
there was an incident. We all feel safer with it, though, to tell you
the truth."
You sighed. "OK. I get it. But why the conversion into a park?"
He considered your question carefully. "It's something about hearts
and minds," he said. "They're pulling out all the stops. After
all," he smiled wryly, "You're here. They wanted the best."
He continued, "They've provided a Full Tactical Array for you to
download. That should make it as easy as pickin' corn in Kansas for someone
as good as you. Yes indeed, we're looking forward to seein' you turn this
Green Zone into an Emerald City!"
"Do I get the Ruby Slippers?" you asked.
He laughed, "Nope. But the witch is in deep stuff now."

Above: Vertical Drop coaster and Mini-Helicopter from the Full Tactical Array pack.

Above: Vintage Cars, Double-Deck Tower and Roto Drop from the Full Tactical Array pack.

Above: Giga, Observation Tower, Spinning Wild Mouse and Corkscrew from the Full Tactical Array pack.
Download Emerald City II
Download Full Tactical Array
I would like to thank the creators of the custom objects that were used in this scenario:
- Custom rides: Lady Croft (those X Wings add just the right touch).
- Paths: Kaffe (He did the lovely white marble path for the UCES project),
Toontowner, ja227.
- Scenery/scenery groups: Toontowner (art deco and windows); Dutch Dude
(Matrix), Makonix (Urban), Couger (Glass pack, animated lights), Fisherman
(colored lights) Junya Boy (marble), RCT Fun (Marble objects, Church
- Special thanks to ride_exchanger, Neeltje, ktysmi, Rct2Obsessed and
ChadesofBlur for playtesting.
Player notes: The big building
at the front of the park can fit several flat rides without damaging
the building. The central square will likely need more paths to
the perimeter paths or your guests may get lost. Keep this in mind
when you build your rides. Research is "off" at the start.
The "Full Tactical Array" ride
pack contains more rides than can fit in the park unless you nuke
the scenery. The good news is that you can complete the scenario
while leaving most of the scenery intact (if you're good). All twenty-five
rides(!) are heavily themed to match the scenario.
The biggest rides are the HyperCoaster, Vertical Drop, and the Woodie.
If you plan on using any of them, they would be easiest to place
before things get too crowded. When the coaster style permitted,
I made small shuttles. The Looping, Corkscrew, and Inverted Vertical
Shuttle are all quite compact (either a small box or long and thin.)
Consider placing a few of the less common coasters, such as Air-Powered
Vertical, Reversed Launched Freefall, and Inverted Impulse as well.
They may add a nice touch.

There is a very full
collection of gentle rides in the pack as well. The Helicopters,
and Vintage Cars (shown above), Chesire Cats and Monster Trucks
are among my favorites.

If you place
a ride that overlaps with an existing structure in the scenario,
sometimes (but not always), the resulting blended structure works
out well. So if you want to try this, be sure to save your game
first! You may find that you can place some of the rides directly
over paths. About half of the paths have been sunken to the "-1"
level. Path visibility gets tough if you do this, but if you can
pull it off, you get a dense, urban effect.
There are a lot of fences in the scenario. They have an unfortunate
side-effect if you place a ride over them. They will "cut" paths
that are included with the ride, which means you may have to rebuild
the ride entrance/exit paths.
For those who have the UCES Expansion Pack: There is a lot of scenery
overlap between this scenario and UCES "Transformation" scenario.
I didn't set out to do that intentionally, it just sort of turned
out that way. So, many of the rides in this pack can be used in
that scenario as well.
Oh, one more thing. Don't be afraid to run up the "deficit." Just
try to "Cut the deficit in half" by the end. :)