Flying Turns Racer 26x7

Flying Turns Racer 26 x 7

Hans and Franz would be proud
By Fossil

Flying Turns is a new coaster style introduced with RCT2. It uses a bobsled type track, but with a single car rather than a train. I was delighted to find that the cars won't automatically crash if you build an uphill section that is taken at some speed. This severely limited RCT1 bobsled designs - uphills could be helix tracks only.

The only Flying Turns coaster that comes with the game is a Six Flags coaster, La Vibora. In real life, La Vibora may be a nice ride. For RCT2 scenario play, almost any design would be an improvement on that beast. It has only five cars, and chews up way too much space.

Flying Turns Racer 26 x 7 has exactly double the carrying capacity of La Vibora - ten cars. Not bad, considering it requires less than half the space. Oh, one more thing, when run "naked" in the roller coaster designer, Flying Turns racer has an excitement rating of 5.44, compared to La Vibora's 4.92.

Excitement: 5.44
Intensity: 6.11
Nausea: 4.23
Footprint: 26 x 7
Theming: none
Approximate cost: $7,975

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