Mine Ride Racer 18x9

Mine Ride Racer 18 x 9

All Aboard, The Train is Leaving the Station
By Fossil

I was expecting the Mine Ride to be similar to the Mine Train, but it's completely different. The original Mine Train looks and performs like a 19th Century Industrial Age relic; the Mine Ride is a 20th Century Electric Experience.

When I first built this track, I was very concerned about crashes - the trains barrel into the station. It passed the ten-year stress test without problems.

The short, stubby footprint has been easy to place in the scenarios that I've tried so far. With a capacity of 75 guests, it can bring in lots of revenue - I had it producing over $30,000 an hour in one scenario.

The article Adding Excitement to your coasters walks through the process of turning this coaster into a 7.00 excitement screamer.

Excitement: 5.01
Intensity: 3.97
Nausea: 3.28
Footprint: 18 x 9
Theming: none
Approximate cost: $6,187

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