Multi-Dimension EXX

Multi-Dimension EXX

Turn it up a notch
By Fossil

My article on the "X" coaster was preparation for designing this coaster. After my first few attempts at creating Multi-D's ended in failure, I took a step back to study this coaster.

Here are a few things that I found which may help you on your next Multi-D:

  • The special track elements are the quarter loop and the inline twist. I recommend using two or more of each.
  • "Bouncing" bunny-hop drops are not much help. Sweeping over the landscape is this coaster's style.
  • "Weaving" the track is absolutely required. This omission was a main reason my early efforts failed. Note how I wrapped turns around the lift hill.
  • Don't bother spinning the cars while you are designing the track. Spinning does not affect stats. If you are inclined, put spins in after you have designed the track.

When I built this coaster in a park, I clipped the two straight tracks connecting the first turn, raised the land and reconnected them. Later, I placed another coaster over this section of track. With some theming, the excitement jumped over 8.

This coaster would permit racing, but that is a rather expensive proposition.

"Woodchip EX's" track passes both above and beneath Multi-Dimension EXX's track. If you look carefully, you can see that the straight track pieces by the Multi-D's first turn (under Woodchip's track) are underground.

Excitement: 6.85
Intensity: 8.79
Nausea: 8.08
Footprint: 32 x 8
Theming: none
Approximate cost: $26,441

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