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Rules for posting your Parks
  Before posting your park, please make sure you agree with the following rules and regulations:
  1. Before posting your park, make sure you have at least one screenshot to go along. Please do not post a topic saying "Screenshots coming soon", "First Screenshots coming Monday", etc.
  2. All under construction park threads must be updated at least every 30 days. If your park thread has not had an update in 30 days your topic will be closed and moved to the abandoned park section. If you are ready to update your thread once again please use the PM system to notify a moderator/aisle patrol with a link to the thread stating you wish to have it reopened.
  3. When you have completed your park, post the download in your Park Topic. You may notify a moderator via PM that your park is completed and ready to be moved to the "Completed Parks" forum. The moderators will then move the topic. Please do not repost your final download in the "Completed Parks" forum.
  4. If a member has a negative comment about your park, do your best to accept their criticism in a positive light. Most people are trying to help you make your parks better; take the good/constructive criticism and try to ignore any negative feedback. If you feel that a post is unnecessarily critical or offensive, please PM a moderator/aisle patrol. Do not flame the author in the topic.
  5. Please understand that a staff member has the rights to delete or close your topic if you violate the above rules. If you feel that it should not have been closed or deleted, PM a moderator/aisle patrol and they will look into it.
  6. And remember, have fun! If you have any questions about the above rules, please reply with your question in this topic.

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> RCT1 Parks Under Construction
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Pinned   Announcement: RCT*Mart to close its doors - MidwestBoyInLA 5373 --
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0 Matt 358 12th December 2005 - 06:08 PM
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PINNED: Parks Under Construction Rules and Regulations
Please read before posting your park.
0 Matt 199 20th November 2004 - 04:42 PM
Last post by: Matt
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